
Asthma is a chronic disease that inflames your airways and makes it difficult to breathe. Severity depends on the patient. For some people, asthma is an infrequent nuisance, but for others, it affects their daily lives. 

The most well-known triggers for asthma are

  • Cold air
  • Physical Activity (Exercise-induced asthma)
  • Allergies
  • Airborne particles (Pollen, dust, etc.)

What to Expect in a Telehealth Visit

Your physician will ask questions to find out the severity of your asthma, medical history, how long your asthma lasts, and how often it occurs. Diagnosis may include laboratory testing and pulmonary function studies. Once you’ve been diagnosed, the decision between a treatment plan or a specialist referral is made.

 Treatment plans will vary depending on your specific situation. This could include

  • Assessment of severity
  • Self-care counseling, like quitting smoking
  • Medications, inhalers
  • Pulmonary Function Testing
  • Referral to Allergy or Pulmonology
  • Oxygen therapy.

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